Welcome to my Programming Lair
Way back in the early 1980's, I received my first Apple ][ computer.
Soon enough, the built-in Applesoft BASIC language proved inadequate for
more advanced programming. The obvious next step was machine code and
then assembly language for bigger projects. And there's been no looking
back since.
Over the years, I've worked with various processors
but I've found Microchip PIC microcontrollers to be a suitable device
for numerous projects. This site is a partial compendium of the various
hobby projects I've put together.
New visitor map started Jan, 2019.
A Note About Programming Languages
Assembly & C
Plus others
There is no simple answer to the question What programming
language should I use? Instead, the language should suit
the task. Attempting to use assembly language to write a graphical
user interface on top of an IP and USB enabled device is certainly
possible but is hardly efficient. Likewise, a C program can easily
flash an LED when a button is pressed but might be over kill.
With that said, my preference is to use assembly language. I've
been using it for a long time and I am very comfortable
with it. I like the direct control it gives me, especially
for things such as setting up various control registers.
Pascal and a few flavours of BASIC are also easily available
languages that allow rapid code development.